Neural mechanisms of auditory object recognition
Characterizing the impact of recurrent connections on neural network dynamics and information processing capabilities
Spatial-temporal receptive field that maximize information transmission
Modelling stochastic processes in neuroscience and cell biology
Applying computational storage paradigms to biological systems
Random matrix theory approaches for neural network dynamics and for feature selectivity characterization methods.
Investigating the origin of critical behavior and adaptation in neural networks
Invariant recognition: learning machines for understanding the manifold representation of data
Theoretical and neural mechanisms of search behavior
Characterizing neural computations with maximum noise entropy
Understanding the adaptive function of mood by finding quantitative approaches
Influence of learning on cortical encoding of natural auditory signals
Applying functional bases to obtain a highly interpretable description for computation in the visual cortex
Using two photon calcium imaging and theory to study symmetries in the neural representation of visual motion
Neuro-Mechanisms of Visual Processing of Natural Stimuli
Surround modulation in visual cortex
Develop and apply novel algorithms to analyze biological datasets